creator_did = ivo://CDS/P/DECaLS/DR5/color obs_title = DECaLS DR5 color obs_collection = DECaLS DR5 color obs_description = The Legacy Survey is producing an inference model catalog of the sky from a set of optical and infrared imaging data, comprising 14,000 deg² of extragalactic sky visible from the northern hemisphere in three optical bands (g,r,z) and four infrared bands. The sky coverage is approximately bounded by -18° < ? < +84° in celestial coordinates and |b||b| > 18° in Galactic coordinates. The DECam Legacy Survey is providing these data in the equatorial region at ? < +30° using the Dark Energy Camera on the Blanco Telescope. The color images are based on the g,r,z filters. Data Release 5 (DR5) is the fifth public data release of the Legacy Surveys. DR5 imaging is first reduced through the NOAO Community Pipeline before being processed using the Tractor. Images from DECaLS g,r,z-band observations are included from August 2014 through May 2017. DR5 also includes DECam data from a range of non-DECaLS surveys, including observations that were conducted from September 2012 to May 2017. hips_initial_fov = 0.262 hips_initial_ra = 237.53874 hips_initial_dec = +26.49996 hips_overlay = mean hips_hierarchy = mean hips_creator = M.Buga [CDS] hips_copyright = CNRS/Unistra #obs_ack = Acknowledgement mention prov_progenitor = #bib_reference = Bibcode for bibliographic reference bib_reference_url = obs_copyright = DECam Legacy Survey obs_copyright_url = t_min = 56171 t_max = 57874 obs_regime = Optical em_min = 390e-9 em_max = 1026e-9 client_category = Image/Optical/DECaLS hips_builder = Aladin/HipsGen v10.125 hips_version = 1.4 hips_release_date = 2019-05-21T09:20Z hips_frame = equatorial hips_order = 11 hips_order_min = 0 hips_tile_width = 512 #hips_service_url = ex: http://yourHipsServer/DECaLS DR5 color hips_status = public mirror unclonable hips_tile_format = jpeg hips_pixel_scale = 5.591E-5 s_pixel_scale = 7.277E-5 dataproduct_type = image moc_sky_fraction = 0.269 hipsgen_date = 2018-06-07T05:18Z hipsgen_params = in=jpg/ out=/data3/buga/DECaLS_DR5/Hips_DECaLS_DR5_color_mean skyval=true creator_did=CDS/C/DECaLS/DR5/color verbose=3 method=MEAN color=true INDEX TILES DETAILS hips_creation_date = 2018-06-07T05:18Z dataproduct_subtype = color hipsgen_date_1 = 2019-05-21T09:20Z hipsgen_params_1 = out=/asd-volumes/sc1-asd-volume1/DECaLS/DR5/color UPDATE